Danne Huffaker software

Arduino Sketchbooks

Danne Stayskal got married and is now Danne Huffaker!

Redirecting to this page on her new site, https://danne.huffaker.us/software/arduino_sketchbooks/

Every program I've developed and released for the Arduino microcontroller

  • automata : A lighting demonstration of three cellular automata, one on each sub-pixel of an LED array
  • automaton : A lighting demonstration of a cellular automata
  • blocks : A lighting demonstration of blocks of color overlapping each other
  • chaser : A lighting demonstration of pixels chasing each other
  • critical_hat : The source code to my cowboy hat from Critical Northwest 2014
  • game_of_life : A lighting demonstration of a two-dimensional cellular automaton condensed onto a one-dimensional LED strip
  • guitarduino : The arduino components of my synaesthessia simulator guitar
  • inflection : The source code to the lights that ran along the side of Inflection from Burning Man 2015
  • inflection_relay_test : The test code for Inflection's relay controls
  • inflection_test : The test code for Inflection's side lights
  • mandelbrot : A lighting demonstration of a Mandelbrot set evolving along a one-dimensional LED strip
  • playa_bike : The source code to my playa bike
  • rebirth : The source code for the Rebirth light art board
  • samarkand : The source code for the lights in the Samarkand arch of the Silk Road art installation from Burning Man 2014
  • sea_foam : The source code to the Sea Foam art installation
  • tent_lights : The source code for the lights in my tent at festivals
  • twinkle : A lighting demonstration of twinlking pixels
  • waves : A lighting demonstration of three waves of color overlapping with each other
  • zeptospace : The source code to the Zepto Space aerial rig lights


Download the latest copy of Danne's Arduino Sketchbooks

The full program sources are available are available on Github.