Danne Huffaker software


Danne Stayskal got married and is now Danne Huffaker!

Redirecting to this page on her new site, https://danne.huffaker.us/software/dotfiles/

Make yourself at home.

To install Dotfiles, you'll need git, curl, and ruby installed. Your system probably already has these on it. You'll also need RVM, which your system might not have yet. to install RVM, run:

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

Once you have RVM available, clone this repository into your new home folder

$ git clone https://linenoise@github.com/linenoise/.dotfiles.git

Next, link the freshly cloned dotlings into their new homes

$ ./.dotfiles/install

This will go through and backup any existing dotfiles into ~/.dotfiles/backups.


Before making any changes to the dotfile collection on github, you'll need to setup your SSH keys to be able to read from the repository. Once this is in place, change from the read-only HTTP url to the read/write GIT url with the following:

$ git remote set-url origin git://github.com/linenoise/.dotfiles.git

Once this is in place, you can make any changes you like to the dotfile repository.

Command Line Interface

To add a dotfile to this collection, run:

$ dotadd .screenrc

To remove a dotfile from this collection, run:

$ dotrm .screenrc

To push a change on a dotfile to the github repo, run:

$ dotpush .screenrc "here is a description of what I changed"

To sync dotfiles with the github repo, run:

$ dotpull

To see which files have local changes, run:

$ dotstat

To see what's changed in a local tile, run:

$ dotdiff .screenrc


Utility documentation is available in the doc/ directory, autogenerated from source comments. To regenerate this documentation, run:

$ rdoc install uninstall bin/* -N


Do the above in reverse:

$ ./.dotfiles/uninstall

This will tell you if it had trouble restoring any backed up files. You may need to handle some of those manualy.

$ rm -rf ~/.dotfiles


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The documentation and source code for Dotfiles are available on Github.